Ijmuiden Lighthouse
Ijmuiden Lighthouse

Ijmuiden | Netherlands

2 Comments on “Ijmuiden Lighthouse

  1. Great looking portfolio with muc attention to detail .. Very well done.
    We seem to share almost identical equipment and I noticed that you alo have and use the Samyang 24mm f/3.5 ED AS UMC Tilt-Shift.
    My guess is that the above was shot with that lens.
    Any comments on usage of the lens in the field ?
    All the best to you and your family 🙂

    • Hello Charles,

      thank you!
      I shoot a lot with my Tilt-Shift lens but this image was taken with the 14-24mm f/2.8 at 17mm focal length and later corrected in Photoshop.
      Regarding the Samyang Tilt-Shift I shoot it at between f/8 and f/11 to get sharp corners.
      I am quite happy with that lens and it performs better in terms of edge and corner sharpness than the Nikon PC-E 24mm that I was using before.


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